Energy Efficiency in Canada – a historical overview

Government investment in energy efficiency and low carbon technologies has been surpassed by investments in wind, solar, other renewables and biofuels, with only 6% of investment being directed towards this sector between 2005 and 2010. A CAD 1.5 billion trust fund is available for clean air and climate change initiatives including energy efficient projects that […]

Energy Efficiency in the United States – a historical overview

Government investment in energy efficiency and low carbon technologies has been surpassed by investments in wind, solar and biofuels, with only 9% of investment being directed towards this sector between 2005 and 2010. Only other renewables received less funding at 6% of total investment. Federal At the federal level, the economic downturn in 2008 and […]

Maximising the environmental benefits of offshore wind

The environmental benefits of wind energy as a clean source of electricity with no emissions of greenhouse gases or local air pollution and the benefits in terms of security of supply are widely recognised, and the overwhelming majority of Europeans have a very positive attitude to wind energy. The avoidance of water consumption compared to […]

Issues facing wind energy

Storage To resolve intermittency issues, several storage technologies are being investigated: mechanical, chemical and electromagnet. So far, large scale, low cost storage technologies with a fast response rate are not commercially available. Capacity credit Wind cannot be turned on at will, so it is not dispatchable. The relatively low capacity credit of wind power, which […]

The Venezuelan Coal Sector

Venezuela remains highly dependent on oil revenues, which account for roughly 80% of export earnings, more than 50% of the federal budget revenues and around 30% of GDP. In 2007, the government announced plans for a nationalisation programme covering oil field, telecoms, electricity and banking as part of Chavez’s pre-election promise that ‘everything that was […]


Although natural bitumen and extra-heavy oil occur worldwide, a single extraordinary deposit in each category is dominant. These are sometimes called the Fourth Fossil Fuel. The 1.2 trillion barrels of extra-heavy crude oil deposit of the Orinoco Oil Belt, a part of the Eastern Venezuela basin, represent nearly 90% of the known extra-heavy oil in […]

LNG Japan Corporation

LNG Japan Corporation is an energy trading house involved in the LNG industry and was established by Sumitomo and Sojitz in 2001. Since the 1970s LNG Japan Corporation has been importing LNG from Indonesia since the 1970s as part of a twenty year supply agreement with Pertamina for 7.47 million tons of LNG. The LNG […]

Statoil Markets

Natural gas produced is exported via pipelines through the Gassled system from Norway to European markets (which Statoil has a 32.1% ownership in). The majority of gas produced, around 80% to 90%, is sold through long-term contracts to large European gas utility companies and suppliers. The remaining gas is traded on the spot market and […]