Power Supply Shortages

Power supply shortages are nothing new, and regular occur following extreme weather incidents affecting infrastructure, unexpected increases in power demand such as demand for air conditioning on a very hot summers day and failure of generators, transformers etc. As a result of a lack of power supply following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, […]

Energy Security

Disruption to fuel supplies and shortfalls can occur from natural disasters such as the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Due to the high degree of uncertainty in predicting natural disasters, the energy market needs to have reserves to meet changing marketing conditions. As of June 2011 the 28 IEA members collectively reported that they […]

Water Deregulation in Select European Countries

In Austria, the assets are owned by the municipalities and regional governments, and operations are either conducted directly or by management companies. In Belgium, 6 large provincial inter-municipally owned water companies’ supply 90% of the water; municipalities and communes own small companies. Water management is mostly public, but waste is sub-contracted. The arrangements differ in […]

Bioenergy Benefits

The incomplete combustion of fuel wood produces organic particulate matter, carbon monoxide and other organic gases. If high temperature combustion is used, oxides of nitrogen will be produced. At a smaller domestic scale, the health impact of air pollution inside buildings is a significant problem in developing countries, where fuel wood is burnt inefficiently in […]

Benefits of Bioenergy

Biomass is a renewable source of energy and its use does not contribute to global warming. In fact, it can reduce the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide as it acts as a sink, and soil carbon can also increase. Of all the forms of renewable energy, only hydropower and wind produce similar amounts of electricity […]

European and German Solar PV Markets

Europe As the largest market in the world, Germany historically has dominated the European market overwhelmingly, with three dominant companies. These were SolarWorld AG, an integrated solar company involved in all steps of the value chain, Q-Cell, a new participant with ambitious plans and Schott Solar (formerly RWE Schott Solar). The solar boom in Spain […]

Biodiesel Fuels

Soy Beans Soy bean is a legume native to East Asia but can be grown in most warm climates. Only 45% of all soy is grown in this region. The rest is grown in the US, Brazil, Ar-gentina and other parts of the world. There have been reports that areas of the rainforest in Brazil […]