Category Archives: Blog

Energy Career Profile: Emerging Energy Researcher

There are few things more fascinating to follow than the developments going on in the energy sphere. Every day, new technologies are harnessed to create brand new ways to generate and store power and to improve the effectiveness of the systems we already have. Over the past decade, all eyes have been on the renewable […]

Energy Career Profile: Environmental Lawyer

The world of energy seeps into almost every other discipline you could think of. One notable crossover is that between the energy industry and the legal sphere. This is a blessing for those who are interested in both energy and the law. You don’t need to choose between the two fields, you can simply combine […]

Nuclear energy as a zero-carbon solution

The immensely popular television series Chernobyl has brought back into memory the dangers of nuclear power and reminds us of the effects that nuclear disaster can have. Having occurred over 30 years ago, the Chernobyl nuclear incident changed the way we look at nuclear energy today. The subsequent Fukushima nuclear power plant incident in 2011 […]

Hybrid power systems

Hybrid systems combine several electricity production and storage pieces to meet the energy demand of a given facility or community. In a system such as this, PV arrays, wind turbines, and generators can be added as needed to meet growing energy demands and fit the local geographical and temporal constraints. These systems are ideal for […]