Category Archives: Blog

The BioFuels Market

Biofuels are liquid fuels produced from biomass feedstocks through a number of chemical processes. The two main biofuels on the market are: Ethanol and its derivative ethyl tertiary butyl ether / ETBE produced from plant sugar Biodiesel produced from vegetable oil Other liquid biofuels have been researched but have not entered large scale commercial production. […]

Introduction to renewable energy

What is renewable energy? Renewable energy is energy which can be obtained from natural resources that can be constantly replenished. Any energy resource that is naturally regenerated over a short time scale and derived directly from the sun (such as thermal, photo-chemical, and photoelectric), indirectly from the sun (such as wind, hydro-power, and photosynthetic energy […]

The Benefits of Distance Learning

Many professional and government bodies such as the United States’ Department of Education’s National Forum of Education Statistics recognize that remote and distance learning are becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s education systems and structures. Not only the quantity, but also the quality of remote learning has improved and increased over the last few years. Technology […]