Author Archives: GEC

The 4 Most Powerful People in Clean Energy

The world of energy is changing at an incredible rate. Every day more and more technology is developed that will aid the world transition away from traditional fossil fuels and over to renewable energy. It is a huge shift that needs to be undergone but it is happening, slowly but surely. Electric vehicles are becoming […]

Practice makes perfect: How proper preparation for psychometric reasoning tests can help you land your dream job.

To find out more about this topic, please visit: Psychometric reasoning tests are becoming an increasingly common part of the job application process, and the chances are that you will have already had to complete reasoning tests at some point in the past. The reason for their continuing popularity is two-fold. Firstly, they are […]

How to Create a Study Plan

Exam season is looming and students across the nation are chewing their nails as they try and cram as much knowledge as they possibly can into their heads. If you are in this situation, or think you might be in the near future then you might find a study plan useful. A study plan outlines […]

How Can the GEC Help with My Career?

The Global Energy Certification (GEC) is an online course available to everyone. The course was designed by NRG Expert, a leading energy market research company, with the intention of helping people attain a level of expertise in the global energy industry. The course is fully accredited and covers a number of important areas within the […]