Author Archives: GEC

Criteria for Choosing an Online Course

Choosing to embark on an online course is no light decision. Professional development qualifications are a significant investment of both time and money so you should make sure you are 100% sure about your decision before handing over any cash or signing any documents. So, how do you know that a certain course is perfect […]

How to Prepare for the GEC Exam

If there is one thing that will put someone off taking a professional development course, it is the prospect of having to do an exam at the end. We all remember the days at college or university (or both) when we would spend hours on end cramming in the library before sitting an exam we […]

How Was The GEC Program Started?

The Global Energy Certification, or GEC as it is known, is a professional development course that was created by NRG Expert. The purpose of the course is to give students and professionals a more thorough insight into the complex yet fascinating world of energy. Once they have completed the course and the examination they should […]

Why Take the GEC Certification?

Do you want to take your career in energy to the next level? The Global Energy Certification is multi-faceted, professional course, designed to give those in the industry the boost they need to progress to a higher rung on their career ladder. The course combines important energy issues with business concepts to create a practical […]